Monday, April 21, 2014

Communication in Management and HR

Often times being in management means you need to make an exceptional effort to lead by example, but with that managers need to build their communication skills. This week looking into communication, innovation and change we learned that it is vital to be able to do all these things when in an HR professional role. Using communication audits throughout the year allows HR professionals and managers to see where people are and what they need. Surveys are an effective way to gauge where improvements are needed. I also liked the idea of focus groups for certain tasks and having that in-depth results of where improvements can and should be made. Although it can be time consuming and labor intensive but the outcomes have the ability to allow for big change.

Learning and discussing how important communication audits and change agents are this week made me realize that I need to do a lot more research on communication factors and effective ways to bring on change and include employees. Leaders need effective communication skills and bringing knowledge of communication audits to a company will be a great benefit.

Figure 7.1 on page 163 in our book HR from the Outside In, gave a greater understanding on how an innovation matrix works and how that can allow HR professionals to find areas that need improvement and these were a good lesson for the future for me as well.

Ulrich, D., W., Younger, J., Brockbank, & Ulrich,M . (2012).  HR from the Outside In: Six
Competencies for the Future of Human Resources. SRHM.  ISBN978-0071802666

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